Monday, 14 April 2008

The E-Chutney project in Fiji

The E-Chutney project was a pilot scheme launched in May 2004 by the Fiji government's Information Technology & Communications (ITC) Department as part of a larger e-government programme to open telecentres to promote rural economic development. It is designed to empower women in Navua, a small agricultural centre in Fiji, who have for years made a few extra dollars on the weekends producing and selling tamarind chutney on the local market. By enabling these women to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) to reach customers in the country's largest market (the capital, Suva), this initiative aims to increase their income - and their self-esteem.

How is this initiative coming along? Has Fiji's government been able to expand the number of telecentres? How have youth participated and benefited?

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