The PRIDE project, based at the University of the South Pacific, seeks to enhance student learning in fifteen Pacific countries by strengthening the capacity of each Ministry of Education (or equivalent) to plan and deliver quality basic education. The PRIDE Project defines basic education as all education provisions for children and youth except higher education. It includes early childhood, elementary, primary and secondary education, together with Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET), and covers both the formal and non-formal sectors.
In 2006 the PRIDE projet was instrumental in the regional workshop “The Role of TVET in Pacific Secondary Schools: New Visions; New Pathways” which took place in Koror. Part of the process required reflecting on global development in vocational education and examining the implications for the Pacific. The notion of integrating the best of the contemporary global with the best of the local was embedded at the heart of the workshop. The workshop was funded by the PRIDE Project in collaboration with UNESCO-UNEVOC (International Centre for Technica Education and Training) and PATVET. It would be interesting to know how far things have come since this meeting. Anyone know?
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